
Amy Dowell

Curing is Good

Date: Wednesday, March 12, 2025

​Time: 11:00 am-12:00 pm MT Presentation

Cost: Free

Presenter: Amy Dowell, P.E., American Concrete Institute (ACI)

Amy Dowell, PE, is an Engineer at American Concrete Institute (ACI). She received her BS in civil engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, and her MS in civil and environmental engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. Prior to joining ACI, she was the Certification Director at the Post-Tensioning Institute in Farmington Hills, MI, Construction Director at Habitat for Humanity in Jackson, MS, and an Engineer at CTLGroup in Skokie, IL. There, she gained experience in certification program administration, instruction of certification programs, residential construction of energy efficient homes, and concrete structural evaluation and rehabilitation.

Description: Concrete curing is the process by which hydraulic cementitious concrete matures and develops hardened properties over time. It is a result of the continued hydration of the cementitious materials and requires the presence of sufficient water and heat. This presentation will give a short overview of concrete curing. It will mainly focus on external curing of flatwork concrete; however, internal curing will also be briefly discussed. Different curing methods will be reviewed and their effect on desired concrete properties will be presented.

Professional Credits:  Attendees who fully participate in the live webinar will receive a certificate of attendance for:

  • 1 AIA CES LU or
  • 1 PDH or
  • 1 Utah Contractor Core Credit Hour or
  • 1 ICC Credit Hour

No credits will be awarded for viewing recordings of the webinar. AIA LU's and PDH certificates will be received from the Minnesota Concrete Council.

Utah Contractors and ICC Inspectors will receive certificates from the ACI Intermountain Chapter.